The job market right now is tough; who are we kidding…tough is an understatement. It’s no secret that many have experienced furloughs or layoffs, and some, unfortunately, have not received job offers or even interviews despite their efforts. Heck, I’ve been there A LOT. Hence, the reason why I call myself a “professional failure.” I get it; this is a scary time, and navigating this challenging job market can be disheartening. Still, we must make a conscious effort to stay optimistic and motivated. This blog is for those struggling to find a job, those who have experienced furloughs and layoffs, and those who need to get back on their feet after a job rejection.
Realize it’s a process:
When we acknowledge that the job search process will not happen overnight, we’re less likely to stress ourselves out and feel overwhelmed. Recognize that it’s an adventure if we take it one step at a time. It’s vital to understand that you may face some rejections during the search, and that’s normal. Accept this truth, but do not stop moving forward. You must be patient and maintain your motivation.
Build a daily routine:
One helpful technique that successful professionals employ is setting up a regular and structured daily routine. It gives your day a sense of purpose, positively affecting your mindset. Ensure you have a clear and predetermined daily plan with small goals to keep you engaged, inspired, and energized throughout the day. You’ll feel better as you accomplish these tasks or small goals daily, and the small wins will motivate you to achieve more.
Stay motivated and optimistic:
Positive psychology connotes that when we recall our progress, our brains record it as success, further helping us maintain our motivation. Thus, to stay motivated and optimistic, consider keeping a track record of all the jobs you’ve applied for, the ones you received feedback from, and the ones that you’re waiting on feedback from. Viewing this progress and knowing that you’re one step closer to finding the right job can help you maintain the needed drive and momentum to continue pushing forward. I have always found that getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup each day (even if I’m not leaving the house) keeps me in a motivated mindset to focus on what needs to be done. In fact, even now, as I run my agency, I STILL get dressed and prepared for each day as if I am giving a presentation to hundreds of people because it puts me in “work mode” even though I work from home.
Learn and Upskill:
It’s always possible to continue upgrading your skills and knowledge, and upskilling presents one of the best ways to use your time while in-between jobs. Also, learning new things and acquiring new skills will boost your confidence, providing you with a better chance to ace your following interview and land the dream job you deserve. Utilize online learning platforms, get certified in whatever area you desire, and acquire skills to make your resume stand out more.
Stop repeating failed processes:
They say the definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over again and expecting diferent results. If you are using the same cover letter, same resume and same strategy for every job you apply to, yet you’re not getting interviews…guess what, it’s time to change things up. Consider investing in resume services or rewriting your cover letter. Perhaps try a different approach to getting front and center to the hiring manager, or perhaps diversify the industries and roles you’re applying to. You never know, you might find a role in a different industry or department that you never thought you’d ever work in, but it ends up being the right career path for you.
Take Care of Your Mental Health:
The stress that comes with job hunting can take a toll on your mental health. Therefore, taking care of yourself is paramount to navigating this challenging period successfully. Set some time daily, in the morning or evening, to meditate or practice relaxing yoga in a serene environment. Additionally, set some “me time” aside to engage in other relaxing activities like walking, having coffee with friends or family members, and engaging in any hobby you enjoy. I have always found a trip to the gym always helps realign my mindset. After all, Elle Woods (yes, the character from Legally Blonde) said, “Working out releases endorphins; endorphins make you happy.”
Navigating the abysmal job market has proven to be one of the toughest challenges for job seekers globally. However, it’s not a reason to give up on our efforts or be discouraged. Employing these tips, tricks, and habits will keep us grounded anchored, and maintain a positive mindset throughout the job hunt process. In conclusion, remember that finding a new job is as a process, so build a daily routine, stay motivated and optimistic, learn and upskill, adapte and change your methods and take care of your mental health. Though the job market may be tough right now, the right opportunity is out there, and with a positive mindset and the right tools, I have faith you’ll find a new job and you’ll love it!