Extraordinary…That’s What it Takes

Robertson Davies wisely stated, “Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more extraordinary because of it”. These wise words have got me thinking about another topic of what it takes to be successful. It’s quite simple, be extraordinary.

Now while these two words may seem complicated, if you truly analyze its meaning you will understand why its so important.  It’s hard to be successful if you do the same thing as everyone else. By being just another white sheep in the herd one is likely to not be noticed. It is those who are noticed that get what they want and isn’t what we all want success?

To be extraordinary is quite simple, just find the boundaries that ordinary people cease to cross and cross them. Be willing to go out of your comfort zone, stretch you capabilities, and understand that sometimes these things will be uncomfortable but in the end the rewards will trump those feelings.

I know this all sounds like a lot of work but no one ever said success came easy; you have to be willing to work for it. If your preparation meets opportunity, aka you get lucky, then you might have a chance at success. But prepare to stand out; be extraordinary.

In conclusion, to be successful is to rise above the rest, to stick out, to be unique…in short, to be extraordinary (goodness, I seem to say this a lot…that’s a hint that it’s words you shouldn’t forget). What you do to be extraordinary is your decision but keep in mind that no one ever achieved anything without taking chances at least once.

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