The first few months of being a mom are the hardest, especially for new moms like me. From constant feedings, short nap gaps, and thousands of diaper changes, it feels like you never get a moment to yourself. That is why there is maternity leave, but for those like me who own their own business, luxuries like maternity leave don’t exist. So….I’ve figured out the art of balancing #MomLife with #BossBabe life and I’m getting pretty good at it. It only made sense to share my secret to this balance with you. Here are some tips on how to make things just a little less chaotic so you can enjoy both your jobs: Mom and Boss Babe.
Step 1 for Balancing Mom Life with Boss Babe Life
Make a daily schedule. There is nothing more frustrating than being tired and having no idea what you are doing that day or when you can fit in work time. By making a daily schedule, I am able to organize my life so I don’t feel like the only thing on my plate is taking care of this little one 24/7.
Step 2 for Balancing Mom Life with Boss Babe Life
Take the day off. There is nothing more important than time with your new little one and I think it’s okay to give yourself a break from work every once in a while, as long as you get back on track after that…and most of all, make sure you’re still getting things done while taking some much-needed me-time! Don’t be ashamed to go get your nails or hair done regularly. When you look and feel your best, you can be your best for others…like you baby!
Step 3 for Balancing Mom Life with Boss Babe Life
Ask for help. It is okay to not be able to do it all yourself, especially if you have the extra help! If you need to ask your spouse, your parents, friends or hire a nanny (if it’s in the budget) don’t be too proud to ask for help. I know I hate asking for help but if I want to be the best mom and boss babe I can be, I recognize I need help sometimes.
Step 4 for Balancing Mom Life with Boss Babe Life
Have a routine…and stick to it! I’m all about routines, especially when my little one is just starting out like she is now. A new momma doesn’t have the time or energy to figure out each day what they are doing and how it will all fit into the day. We need routines to make things easier and less stressful!
Step 5 for Balancing Mom Life with Boss Babe Life
Find the time to work. I don’t know about you but I find it hard to be productive when my schedule is all over the place, but if there’s a routine in play and things are more or less set up (the same thing every day) then that leaves me free time during naps which means working can happen!
To give you an idea of how my days are structure, I wake up at 3am to feed Sophia and go to the gym once she is back asleep (yes, that’s 4am, and no I’m not crazy). I work out for about an hour and a half, come home (she’s still asleep), shower and get dressed and pretty and ready to conquer the day. While I wait for her to wake up for another bottle, I clean the kitchen, make coffee (oh hell yes) and eat breakfast. On certain days I play SAHM (stay-at-home mom) for the morning while hubby works and somedays the nanny comes so I can work. Either way, with a game plan (and a daily chores list I make) I am able to find time to be Super Mom and Bada$$ Boss Babe and kill the game! It takes a few weeks to get it right, but once you do you can conquer the world with a baby on your chest in a little carrier!