Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. If you analyze every outcome in your life as just another way of how not to do something, then you have already succeeded.
I will be the first to admit I have not always been this way, I used to have a negative outlook on life and considered even the smallest of successes a failure. But when I as forced to step back and truly analyze all my achievements, both good and bad…they were all successful in some way!
The hardest part about turning all your failures into successes is the act of analyzing them. Often times, our mistakes and failures are locked in a trunk, tied to a cement block and throw into the ocean, so never to be thought of again. If we don’t learn from our failures and mistakes then that’s all they will ever be…failures. Always keep in mind that if you don’t move forward and grow than you are just going backwards. Remember, in the game of life, not going anywhere is just not an option, nor is it possible.
Like myself, Thomas Edison was a very wise man, he knew that failure is just another step on the journey to success. He is quoted in saying “I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward”.