A journey to ultimate happiness…and success

Of the people who know me well, 99.9% will agree that I have said “this is what I want to do for a living” before. This time I mean it and I have proof of why I will succeed this time.

Let us start at the beginning. First, I wanted to be a veterinarian. For most my life I fully intended to be vet but 2 months before my college graduation my dearest cousin Eric put the thought in my head that I needed to be in sales and the role of a pharmaceutical representative would be perfect for me. Well, that failed but not for lack of trying. The market was just not working in my favor, but in truth I don’t think it was ever JUST RIGHT. So the journey continued…

Along my time of goofing off and trying to find my place in the world I spent a lot of time partying (yes, I admit it). However, all this partying paid off because not only did I make A LOT of great connections and meet some interesting people (who I learned a lot from) but I ran into two of the most incredible guys ever…Ryan and DJ Al-Ski Love (Allen). Along the development of our friendship, I offered my assistance to them in anything related to their company. Well, either foolishly or wisely, they took me up on my offer and allowed me to start at their company. I started assisting Ryan and Allen in March and immediately felt that warm tingly feeling. That warm feeling was coming from my realization that I might have actually found my niche…EVENTS!

So, the journey started! I have decided to put further education on hold and pursue my passion…planning and organizing events.

Okay, let’s really recap my life here. I have always loved organizing and planning things. I planned, organized and executed the Freshman/Sophomore Cotillion at Cardinal Gibbons, created the Cardinal Gibbons Dive Team, Co-Chaired the NCARH conference, Co-Chaired the Whee-Lead conference and the list only continues. (If you really want to see the entire list you can request my 10+ page event production portfolio)

Isn’t it obvious…I need to do Event Planning and Producing!